This spiral-bound, 3" x 5" book contains the US versions of the ICH Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice and Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting, adopted at Step 5 of the ICH review process.
Literally pocket-sized with a tiny coil binding, these books are popular because of their compact footprint and transportability.
Who Uses this Book and How?
• Clinical Research staff, as job aids
• Training departments, as training handouts
• Human Resources, as part of new-employee orientation
• Legal/Regulatory/QA staff, for company-wide distribution
What's the Price?
• 1-249 copies: $12.95 • 250-499 copies: $11.95
• 500-749 copies: $10.95 • 750+ copies: $9.95
Custom Cover Prices*?
• 1-24 copies: unavailable • 25-100 copies: $2.00/book
• 100-249 copies: $1.00/book • 250+ copies: No charge
* Based on quantities of a single book title
• Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guidance w/ Integrated Addendum
(ICH E6, Revision 2)
• Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards
for Expedited Reporting (ICH E2A)
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